New Fairy tale...

As a little girl, I always dreamed of a HUGE wedding....a church with white roses everywhere, a GIGANTIC ballgown, 12 bridesmaids, flower girls, elaborate decorations, formal dinner, champagne fountains....I had it all planned out...

Then something happened....I grew up....
I realized the little girl fantasy just didn't fit who I am as a woman. I had all the details planned out in my mind...except one key ingredient...the husband. I was so wrapped up in the event itself that I didn't bother to even think about the very reason for the day....the union with the man of your dreams.
Falling in love made me realize what I really intimate moment with my future husband. A ceremony that allows us to express our love and make a commitment to one another. The rest of the details suddenly became far less important. I realized I wanted to escape with my fiance and go somewhere that would allow us to have a quiet moment to dawned on me....I want a destination wedding.


Alissa said...

So true. That's great that you are focusing on the marriage - not the wedding.

MANDE said...

Awww, sounds PERFECT!! Can I get married again??

Stephanie said...

Nice! Enjoy it girl - sounds perfect for you guys!